My First Blog Award!

3:04 PM

I won an award! Kimibee presented me with the award at my desk and told me I had to give a speech. I told her I didn’t want to, but she threatened to take away my exacto knife. (I really like my exacto knife) *Sighs* So here are seven things about myself.
1.       I don’t eat vanilla ice cream voluntarily (Not even if you take my exacto, well maybe if you take my Tim Holts Scissors.)
2.       I can pop every knuckle in my hand (Even my pinkie)
3.       My favorite color is pink. I get mistaken that it’s purple, but it is pink.
4.       I am an even number gal. I can’t be an odd numbered one, it’s just not possible.
5.       I like to write novels in my spare time. (Try inkpop if you like it to.)
6.       I sew.
7.       I’ve only had my hair cut once the rest of the time it’s been trimmed.
8.       And because of number four… one day I aspire to turn the car off and on with my toes just like my mom.
Here are my eight peeps who get to recieve this award
Thank you all for inspiring me, this just not show enough how much you all mean to me.

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  1. congrats on your blog award!!!

  2. Thanks Brenda. It's definitely going to be the highlight of my trophy case! ;)


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