My First Junior Design Team Project

8:08 PM

Hey guys! It’s been awhile, but I’m back! I wanted to share with you all an opportunity that has come up. I am The Junior Design Team Member on!!!! I’m so excited! Here is my first project.

Supplies (Sweet Sixteen Card)
This is a picture of all of the supplies.

In Progress (Sweet Sixteen Card)
Here is the project in progress

The Inside (Sweet Sixteen Card)
Here is the inside

The Finished Project (Sweet Sixteen Card)
Here is the front

I want to take a moment to thank Lisa for allowing me to be on the JDT (Like the name? :D She is an amazing person and an awesome crafter. She helped me fulfill my dream of being on a design team!

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  1. awww what a sweet card!!!! congrats on your DT!!!!

  2. Thanks Brenda I had a really fun time making it!


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